Confederation Court Mall EXHIBITION HIGHLIGHTS

Charlottetown, PEI

Official Launch Reception &
Make and Take
JUNE 2024

“Kindred Spirits Book Arts Exhibition – Opening Reception”

VIDEO — Opening Reception

It was an exciting week to be on Prince Edward Island. The LMMI 16th Biennial conference was in full swing, and books such as The Blue Castle: The Original Manuscript by Carolyn Strom Collins and Becoming Green Gables by Alan MacEachern were being launched. In the thick of the buzz, chatter, and smiling faces, we were there too – the Kindred Spirits books arts exhibition made its debut at the Confederation Court Mall! Centrally located, the venue is a perfect spot for tourists to visit after arriving on cruise ships and before attending Anne of Green Gables, The Musical at the Confederation Centre Across the street!

Enjoy our Slideshow!

Before the festivities began, visiting the bronze bust of Lucy Maud Montgomery housed at UPEI’s Robertson Library made perfect sense. Kindred Spirits was ready for the public on June 19, but our big event was the official launch reception on June 21 – the mall even commissioned a window to be painted to announce our launch!

Following an introduction from Keri Charlton, Manager of the Confederation Court Mall, Barbara Helander delivered the launch opening remarks, and afterwards, everyone enjoyed a piece of Kindred Spirits birthday cake! We were thrilled to have Kate Macdonald Butler, President of Heirs of L.M. Montgomery Inc., and granddaughter of Lucy Maud Montgomery, plus Dr. Kate Scarth, Chair of Lucy Maud Montgomery Studies and Assistant Professor of ACLC at UPEI, in attendance. They have been staunch supporters of the exhibition since its inception. It was also wonderful to have bookbinders and CBBAG members Meg Clark from New Brunswick and Rhonda Millar from Nova Scotia travel to PEI to attend the event – including the Make & Take on June 22, where folks could make a souvenir album commemorating Maud’s 150th birthday.

Overall, the Charlottetown launch was a success, and we thank all Kindred Spirits who attended and helped to make it happen.